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Monday, January 7, 2013

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Do not compound it is so the arrogance. Lu Lian into hospital to sing a fertilizer Well Lu deep sitting in the door of the house, laughed: "brother today can feel a little more comfortable, the younger brother to find some medicine, but also please admission. "Lu deep face touches do not see what joy, anger, stepped forward to take over the charge, said:" Five bother waved Lu trip odometer rolled over, that is drag on the 1st operator on the 1st of the stay in this world map are afflicted. "Lu Lian smiled, casually comfort a few, turned smiles on Lvshu Xian:" The niece came back, but I do not know how long to live, how Guye no back together? Lvshu Xian was about to answer, Lu deep but took the words: "As a prefectural governor any busy Affairs, heard Huzhou side things, this can not come back, As for Shu-Xian this child, worry about my body, probably have to live on for some time and then go back. "Shu-Xian child really is filial piety, brother or blissful! any to do so may be justified, although he now is Chaotingmingguan can anyhow his Taishan adults seriously ill you should not say, to be, if it is brother the year shelter with him, also her daughter betrothed to him, I'm afraid he would have died in what dirt ditch. "Lu Lian mouth on loudly denounce the presence of Lui Fong,north face mountain, his face could not help but lit up, Lu Lian said a few words, they got up to leave, that no longer disturb the brother to rest, two siblings Lv Shuxian over to his home guest to be out of the courtyard that Lu Lian Lu trip bitterly scolded: Zhesi today to set to inquire about the news, to see if he learned that the brother did not come back any photograph of countenance, hey, I'd like to look at to see a showdown when that fellow's face, presumably is very exciting. "Lu trip here, actually had to laugh Lu deep quietly looked a son, Lu's trip to the laughter immediately dumb, so to see his son appearance, Lu depth could not help but shook his head: "You almost 30 people, how could such a frivolous point of your pregnancy of about nine months skill what of, if not scruples behind him, I supination can off him, you so look like I how dare promise everyone industry to you. "Here, Lu deep can not help stomp sighed to see his father so look Lu trip quickly stepped forward to kneel confessing his sin. Lu deep sigh breath, whispered: "Get up, no harm, if born in the Pacific years now these troubled times, Liujiabang promise a large inheritance, like you could not take the, if your sister is a man named that nice ah. "Lv Shuxian approached to his father gently hammer the Chuibei whispered comforting Road:" brother, but too few experience, chest less of Ayutthaya Bale, and everybody for him to look at point also wants to, the father or careful convalesce as well. "so be it, the two of you, and at home exceedingly rest forty-five days later is the vernal equinox, ritual the Ceres and Liujiabang ancestors of the day, I this patriarch was seriously ill, can not preside over the rituals that fellow will certainly want to try to see how to proceed. "Lu deep Here, the voice already showing a trace of the beholder. Lu Lian house, full of hand-held Weaponry of Jingzhuang of man, afraid of no fewer than fifty people. Originally, according to the testimonies of Lui Fong old formulation, to encourage people, martial arts, encourage home with short spear, longbow, saber Weaponry, like armor, long lance, Crossbow militarism is in ordnance

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

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Comfortable with it now! Ivan Chu, the first eastern escort Governor William Royal Highness was established under the first two fleet has moved from the original Haiao four galaxies they control than satisfied four galaxies, plus one stationed in the administrative region of Ted five Army, totaling millions of troops have been a serious threat to our control the sea Wu and Bi Leiya, galaxies, even Mallett Bay also their operational range, coupled with Tamiflu and Binet administrative district Hepu Army, we The main force is trimmed very hard to resist! Sun watching the four members of the military General Staff before not help laughing: Mallett and Haiao succession of our control, for the performance of some time ago, this joined hands can not be ruled out! See the lord nodded, Zhang Kai thought Gan grams convince the other side, so again, said: and Mallett Corps to find the opportunity to occupy more than satisfied and Ted two districts the card wind Corps from flanking attack, including Tamiflu, including three Luka Te Administrative Region of galaxies and two Royal Highness control Na Kasi galaxies of this enclave, the first Ranger Regiment from galaxies fall farms reversal contain Shakespeare administrative region the Hepu third escort army, so that we can control more than half of the north star field in a short period of time. Watching the high spirits of four people, the sun know fact, this is the card winds military in disguise requires intervention empire war situation excuse the military with confidence some time ago consecutive victory, in their view, may the card Wind replace Empire is the best choice .
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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

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