Tuesday, December 25, 2012

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Comfortable with it now! Ivan Chu, the first eastern escort Governor William Royal Highness was established under the first two fleet has moved from the original Haiao four galaxies they control than satisfied four galaxies, plus one stationed in the administrative region of Ted five Army, totaling millions of troops have been a serious threat to our control the sea Wu and Bi Leiya, galaxies, even Mallett Bay also their operational range, coupled with Tamiflu and Binet administrative district Hepu Army, we The main force is trimmed very hard to resist! Sun watching the four members of the military General Staff before not help laughing: Mallett and Haiao succession of our control, for the performance of some time ago, this joined hands can not be ruled out! See the lord nodded, Zhang Kai thought Gan grams convince the other side, so again, said: and Mallett Corps to find the opportunity to occupy more than satisfied and Ted two districts the card wind Corps from flanking attack, including Tamiflu, including three Luka Te Administrative Region of galaxies and two Royal Highness control Na Kasi galaxies of this enclave, the first Ranger Regiment from galaxies fall farms reversal contain Shakespeare administrative region the Hepu third escort army, so that we can control more than half of the north star field in a short period of time. Watching the high spirits of four people, the sun know fact, this is the card winds military in disguise requires intervention empire war situation excuse the military with confidence some time ago consecutive victory, in their view, may the card Wind replace Empire is the best choice .
After of Susan three consecutive beat shocked, the sun has been gradually card wind Jianguo is an irreversible trend, but at least now he do not want to be so, because the biggest threat yet to appear once the founding of the card will make wind now, the foundation's become a thorn in the side of the others disappear, it will be like the law special and South Yao.
Zhang Kai and four immediately Huwang one, they do not know at this point why the sun suddenly ask this but since the lord questions as the Military Affairs Director, Zhang Kai had to set aside their ambitious plans,oakley coilover, said: Territory, including card wind five galaxies, Lu Kate administrative district three galaxies, two galaxies more than satisfied that the administrative district, Marlene Bay 15 galaxies, card Fung Wan eleven galaxies galaxies, if not off the farms and the eleven galaxies indirectly controlled, directly attributable to our jurisdiction of Total thirty-six galaxies, a total of more than 30,000 administrative Star. Although we all know that the wind has long card today non

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

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When Yellow Turban army has been unable to turn, because of the sudden appearance of one's own army and become helpless chaos into gruel.
Liu Yao looked stunned, Taishi Ci shadowy killer with a distant enemy, do not know what to say, ZHANG Ying own masters knew what they thought, sighed: cleared his moves, even under Chen cross the two together end it may not be his ten strokes of the enemy. Liu Yao took a deep breath, said: In this case, the market situation and mutation, I saw in front of this part of the Yellow Turban army to leave the battlefield quickly, and ran towards the southwest. While another small group of about Yellow Turban army of ten thousand people into anti-refundable, ferocious Liu Yao army rushing.
Zhang Ying frowned: was right. Meal and said: Liu Yao sneered: better, the First World War made the province of future trouble! Zhang laughed: Taishi Ci, a clear understanding of the situation in the field in the heart, he had not prepared for the eradication of this in front of the Yellow Turban army, after all, they are likely to become their future capital. Already liquidated eyes bound this situation, and perhaps in others eyes of Taishi Ci move dogfight enemy reinforcements raid the Yellow Turban army this rabble is a wonderful good meter.
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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

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