Tuesday, September 4, 2012

fake oakleys Wailing penetrated Zhou Hao's body changjon. Zhou Haojian strong body shock of startled

Kick one leg in the other leg. The enemy miserable growled cried, but then was Li Hong, an ax in the waist, dashing to go out Li Hong Mei floor facing the mountains roared every effort to: support ah ...... Zhou Hao's heart bleeding, do not punch down the the secondary defensive wall surface no one, it has basically the enemy completely breakthrough he lost a long shield in hand, turned around with his sword high roar: The Zhou Hao suddenly rushed out Maytower loudly shouted: forward, each out of their hidden location closely with him, galloping down.
Wailing penetrated Zhou Hao's body changjon. Zhou Haojian strong body shock of startled,fake oakleys, but he is still tenacious ran before, his mouth still burst out high cried. Followed by the second arrow, the third branch arrows,cheap oakley sunglasses, arrows almost alphabetical order shot through his body. Zhou Hao feeling his body suddenly light up, he felt as if floating up his howling, flying up and he saw more more arrows into his body, but he had to fly up, he has to know that it is their own body.
Li Hong was shocked he saw Zhou Hao chest was filled with arrows, he still rapid running, with behind the roar of the soldiers rushed down.
Plum upstairs hundred people after the loss of 30 people, the team, finally broke the dead line, rounded out the fierce hand-to-hand battlefield on the walls twenty Xianbei soldiers immediately made dumplings, all angry soldiers killed dead on top of the city walls.
Su Lee stood in the mountains in the distance, and shouted: Tian Jing headquarters team finally Shatui first ferocious attack of the enemy the Hu family soldiers looked quickly withdrew soldiers, sent loudly cheering crews a soldier holding the Han army flag running back and forth on the walls and mouth shouting to vent their happiness.
Wang Jin strode armor are full of blood. Tian Jing walked up to him and asked with concern: Tian Jing nodded, Wang Jin repeatedly promised, saluted, walked hastened to the walls of the left and he wants to convene several military climate communicated quickly to the requirements of adults.
Secondary wall of the enemy once again increased, and the battlefield is gradually pulled big suppress Han Xianbei archers fear of friendly fire, stop the shooting early writings furious Wu Fei, with a full one hundred band of soldiers, to take advantage of forward to this gap, rapid kill to go to the middle of the defensive secondary wall area for a time the walls on two sides of intertwined, kill the Xuerouhengfei.
Li Hong had killed

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