Monday, June 25, 2012

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For Americans to buy a house caused by the financial crisis, people are not going to understand one of the true insider, peak how to say how discussion is not, they only know, this year a total number of foreign-funded enterprises divestments, the number of private companies announce the application bankruptcy protection, and how many state-owned enterprises lay off the country people care about this year's harvest can feed a family life issues, whether migrant workers recover back wages owed by the contractor, is just that simple.
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That is a very beautiful woman, aged between thirty Xu, keep the long wave burst, Chunhongchibai laugh makes an inspiring feeling. She called stone small jingling, publicity landlord wife.
age probably more than the smaller woman with that little lady, and he called the mother? or aunt? awkward to death, he naturally unwilling to simply move out to rent a house the owner of the house is a small stone jingling and her lover white repair, two people age is not large, and publicity hit it off, the house rented out to three hundred a month price, in the mountain town for the low price, the room is a room hall full 60 square away, but also with 50 flat roof, monthly payment, utilities do not have his money, disagreement over where to find such a good thing? most he touched almost every weekend Bai Xiufu wife people will more than fried dishes to greet him down with them over the weekend.
Sent away the stone jingling, he changed clothes and came downstairs.
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