Monday, July 16, 2012

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A lot of close, do not be those of Prince to the bully ruthless. So typical of gangs words hear Xiao Ling tremble with fear, the big brother in the end is very poor, and follow him not seeking death? Quickly a few scenes, then to cope with the past, the topic side-tracked by Xiaoqi Ying.
Chatted for a while, Xiao Ling before he Xiaoqi Ying's situation. Sub-Beijing camp and garrison two systems, the original Eight Banners garrison Xiaoqi Ying Eight Banners system directly under the Beijing camp, from the chaos of San Francisco, Gyeonggi Banners increasingly corruption, and now Xiaoqi Ying's main soldiers are Han Banners. weekdays where each flag forces in Xiaoqi Ying battle at least, because the emperor alone took three flag and seize absolute control, but such as Bing Xie, equipment, fortifications, camps Service, forage, fertilizer, but it is under five flag, respectively, to grasp.
Potential big brother rely on the Pearl of the party, strongly compete for some of the powerful Prince in Suoe Tu support diametrically opposed. Entropy wins and the party struggles coincide up to now, two groups of troops are very important to the infiltration of the army, began to appear a number of military compete in training the army's direct and to draw the emperor simple life at all levels of officers. Beijing camp is the focus of contention between the parties, Sucre is the big brother to specifically down from the hands of Mukden, General, for the fight against the door of the Prince the.
Three chatted for a few Sucre and Chu Peng again topic pulled the party struggles up, Ling Xiao bad split the two the Mishina official face, and struggled to live there to listen, I look forward to the Board of Rites and the Ministry of War officials get away quickly, they good rush Xizhimen to join the big brother is being seen off by the hundred officials.
Officials of the Ministry of Rites Hyobu a bin, Sucre instantly prayer flag a Yang, Xiaoqi Ying Yang Ti in motion, quickly separate the armed forces posture all the action is quick and orderly, in addition to the horses light hiss and hoofs, no cry human language.
Ling Xiao Kande Yan are straight, boy, well-trained ah look at the five hundred of the Guards, the team parameters missing, many military guard the guards, including riding action are relatively unfamiliar Ling Xiao is very depressed, facing Duo Luner and Liu Zijun shouted: Xizhimen big brother the army set off a crowd of onlookers as seen off at the departure of the officials gradually scattered.
Eight lift a large a sedan chair to the Forbidden City under the protection of more than a dozen guard to go to the sedan chair next to a man whispered something on the sedan, that Jiaolian suddenly Yixian, a face lean young eager Road: Gao Fu, you said, but really? Sedan next blessing footsteps diminished, bow nodded and said: Ba Jiufen. Lord, if it is true that the disappearance of Liu head and have a great dry line! The Siye toss curtain, muffled in the car and said: Twitter! That God is not the palace to the emperor greeting you? Liu Hanzhang were gone for four months, hundreds of people almost to the capital to find a shack is not renowned for his people if it is dead, but fortunately that point, if it is by caring,mlb jerseys, not to kill,Minnesota Twins Jerseys, then I can raid of trouble there! also shocked?! Gao Fu did not dare to be a bodyguard of horse Swagger gallop, pedestrians have to scream

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