Monday, August 6, 2012

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Lynn to pack out, however, such a large number of deaths, they have no reason to not feel it in the end ...
Slightly Tianxin sense of induction, and spend the day evil of its reasoning. Meilin, in order not to disturb the enemy master, so high-speed shenfa soared all the way to shoot over, but with winds sealed around contact with the soldiers of Al Valentino , but this is not only a simple closure points, but to stop their action at the same time, but also cut their Xinmaitong, like this one to be sealed to the action of the soldiers, in a moment after death, but rushed in Meilin before the Temple, the Temple of the enemy will still feel the heartbeat and vigor of the soldiers are not aware of the outside wiped out the facts.
Figured out, spend a day the evil one to hand over to the Meilin pay tribute seems deliberately different from the image of that proud, he is now the performance as set out in the White Deer Hollow the most exemplary of scholars, not only every action together in the gentleman, and even the smile turned into a smile decency.
Such changes Meilin somewhat confused, but just think before he let go and kill snow special people that care about human life attitude, let Meilin has been determined, can not be him as the good guys look.
The Meilin teacher commented, it was a younger generation of fault, however,oakley sunglasses cheap, I must make a little excuse for this offense. I very much enjoy the feeling of murder, especially the feeling of a light red-hot fire of life, because I and cold, and goes out changes from birth to death, the kind of grasp, which makes me feel very happy; but when faced with people who deserved the greatest respect, I use etiquette to express my respect and respect,fake oakley sunglasses, even if one day I personally grabbed the teacher's head, I still is the same respect you ... kill me, salute me, every moment is the real me, I wholeheartedly do my thing, no nothing pseudo-the Meilin teacher how can you say hypocrites?
Spend days evil face smile is still gentle and polite, but gives the evil feeling heavier, especially when the danger is to make as to speak, spread his hands hidden in the smile in your spirit Meilin frown, feel message.
And Meilin coldly say this, to spend days evil does not wroth, just like the most elegant gentleman smiled and nodded show ceremony, said was Witnessed this reaction Meilin, the repair of this other young people today how to all day very difficult in the Warrior type. Not grudge the past, not attached to the current, faithful to the original mind, along the Suddenly, some nameless fluctuations, the two days of heart consciousness the same ripple effect, followed, on the messy objects in gold like, suddenly Baoshe the golden amazing brightness, instant Chan as the sun, forcing the two is difficult to face up to , then turned into a light beam, without prejudice to object to penetrate the Temple roof, into the air.
In the green lush virgin forest, a holy

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