Thursday, August 16, 2012

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Leafy dress the world, a cattle gently tossed the tail, carefree circumstances Song Qing River is also the envy of its leisurely, turn a blind eye meditation, the bonds of a dream and after several ups and downs of the total injustice, and now are into the clouds, the situation empty, like a wave Xiudi wind, faint wisp of incense, floating in a deep dream bloom again, a quiet in the wind, back when no wind, no rain!
Water rushing flowing rivers, Song Green River suddenly opened his eyes, heard in the distance hints of ethereal music, unique rhythm of the music to listen in the silence of the night, like the bamboo eaves in the south of the Machines, the ideas are moist Run, instantaneous like in northern Hebei Plain on level ground, the Fengyun running.
Tsing Ho Song sensitive to the slightest Xiaosha meaning, listen attentively, quiet eyes even took to the surprise of color, carefully, gently floating past, acutely aware that there are two extremely expert standing in the distance.
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Song Green River, pupil contraction suddenly, extremely expert in the arena to face Heibang ranked third chances, and his body suddenly around like cold rock, no sound issued.
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Quiet sun day white figure suddenly becomes soft like a snake, it seems that any distortions, body wonderful about rapid flashing, dense invisible transparent silk silent across Kankan rubbing his white robe, falling piece of green leaves in the wind even an instant change as the crushed leaves of shock dispersed.
Earthy yang days, had not been seen kicking to action, suddenly sneered the tall straight from the ground where they stand, and instantly rushed to the height of two feet, the hands do not know when the emergence of a strange black bullwhip, suddenly

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